
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Attending 2009's Chi Hwa's 谢师恩会

That day 20 November 2009,I just cant believe just made me Think of my friends From chi hwa A year ago..Well...It had touch my heart.My eyes were wet back home..But im fine now :)
I'd woke up early 5:30 am +..And went there 6:30am +.. the 1st thing i did when i arrived was Rush to Find Wong Tian Yi ( Leng Zai)..But he was'nt thr- -...ZHa dao me...So i'd talk to his friends while waited 9:30pm to arrive..
As usual...i Saw My kei Mui (Very Cute D) ~Michelle Lim,Christy >.<",Alvinanananan..wakaka..And Kahee..( All leng Lui) :-) ..there at Chi hwa..Preparing for the audition.. I think @@" ..
As so...My friends Yi hong..Kelvin Kwan,Patrick,L.Z.heen,Nimth Liew and others were thr too - -"..i made some new friends that day....Time passes slowly when your having fun..and well well 9:30 had came- -"..i'd rush to 学校礼堂 so i would not miss the school's farewell party @@"
!st was Headmistress WOng Mei XIa's speech ..which took almost an hour long..(^^") ..and then Audition's start s!!!..YAHOOO~~~
1st of the shows was pretty boring..And then... Deng Deng Deng Deng.. Leng Lui Come out lerrr!!! They're class 6A sang songs which was nice :)...and after tht..i waited for The Leng LuissSS to dance ..^^" wow..they'd danced very good (wakakaka) ..And then also got some malayzai dance la- -..also good d..
like so...I would not lie to Michelle and Christy what i had promise them..( i cant write it here) ^^"...It was great to see them smiled , It made my heart float in heaven~~LALALA

And the party ended....And i went back home..thinking back of my friends and memories..Very miss them very much~